Let LEDs Light Your Way

Are you still using incandescent or halogen light bulbs in your landscape lighting system? Are you thinking about installing a brand new landscape lighting system, but you don’t really understand what your options are? In either case, you need to give LED lighting some serious consideration.

But a light bulb is a light bulb, right?

No. When it comes to lighting, and landscape lighting in particular, LEDs are in a class of their own. And Lucas Irrigation is teaching that class. If you’re still running out to the hardware store to replace old incandescent or halogen bulbs in your home or on your property, you are already behind the times.

What Sets LED Lights Apart?

LED lights work differently than halogen and incandescent bulbs do. Those older lighting techniques rely on heating a filament in that bulb in order to generate light. Ever burnt out a bulb and shaken it around? Remember that rattling sound? That’s the burnt-out filament trapped in there. You may have even heard a filament pop before.

Unlike these types of bulbs, LEDs do not generate heat in order to generate light. LEDs are Light Emitting Diodes, and they simply generate light as an electrical current passes through it. Sounds simple enough, right? That’s because it is! So, if LED lights are so great, why aren’t they the standard everywhere? Why would anyone stick with incandescents and/or halogens?

LEDs Cost More (to Purchase)

Some people simply don’t understand the idea of getting a good return on their investments. There are reasons why people that work on their feet all day are willing to shell out good money for great footwear, right? They provide a better experience, and they’re more durable. That holds true for LED lighting, as well.

Yes, you’re going to spend more on LED bulbs than you would on incandescent ones. But you are getting a much better return on that investment when you do so. If you’re thinking in such short terms, you’re going to wind up shelling out a lot of money (and sacrificing a lot of convenience) over time.

Major Benefits of LEDs

We told you that LEDs save money, but how? There are actually a few different ways in which LEDs can help you to keep more money in your wallet. The best part is that these financial savings are really just the tip of the iceberg! Use LEDs to enjoy:

  1. Greater energy efficiency. LEDs use much less energy to light properties than incandescents or halogens. In fact, they can convert up to 95% of energy used into light. They also use only 15-20% of the electricity that those other options would.

  2. Greater lifespans. What’s better than buying a bulb with that kind of efficiency? How about enjoying that efficiency for an incredible lifespan? Many LEDs today boast lifespans of up to 50,000 hours! With incandescents you’re looking at a paltry 1,000 hours (if you’re lucky).

  3. Greater User Control. Have you been hesitant to install much in the way of outdoor lighting, because you don’t just want to throw light everywhere? LED lights are ideal for security, accenting architecture, lighting pathways, and more. They are highly directional, and offer incredible control

  4. Durability. Traditional light bulbs are incredibly fragile, as you’ve probably learned the hard way at some point. LEDs are anything but. That means they’re absolutely ideal for installation outdoors, where soccer balls always seem to find the fixtures, and temperatures always fluctuate.

  5. Versatility. One common objection to LED lighting is that it is harsh. That may have been true at some point, but it really isn’t the case today. Modern LED bulbs can emulate the soft lighting that many of us prefer, and they actually have a lot of color options to add further customization.

Protect, Highlight, and Enjoy Your Landscape

At Lucas Irrigation, we cannot recommend LED landscape lighting enough. In addition to how long-lasting and efficient LEDs in general are, they are just perfectly suited to use in this particular industry. LED landscape lighting systems, when professionally designed and installed, can really breathe new life into your property.

You’re not going to be blinding guests with fixtures throwing light everywhere, you can add security to your property with options like motion-activated, directional lights, and you can put the spotlight on your home and your landscaping. Plus, their low voltage draw means you can incorporate more fixtures onto your existing line.

Some Products Just Shine Brighter Than Others

When you pair exceptional technology with exceptional workmanship and customer service, total satisfaction is the end result. Let the dedicated Landscape Lighting Team at Lucas irrigation install or retrofit your LED landscape lighting system, and enjoy your property at its fullest potential. Improved aesthetics, improved safety, improved enjoyability—in short, an improved lifestyle.

Contact us today and consult with a knowledgeable professional. We’ll book your installation when you’ve got the answers you need. Right now we’re offering a 12-light and transformer package for just $2,000, so there’s never been a better time to start your landscape toward a brighter future. (Offer expires November 30, 2020)